Roof Insurance

Roof Insurance Assistance for Hassle-Free Claims

Roof insurance claim process checklist

Roof insurance claim process (checklist):

When bad weather occurs, it can cause major damage to your roof. Hard rains, hail and high winds can all affect the overall quality of your roof. To improve your chances of receiving a full and fair settlement, we have listed below a few basic guidelines to follow when filing an insurance claim.
  • 1. Free property evaluation

    Was your home affected by a recent storm? If your home or business was affected by a severe storm that produced high winds or hail, call ECG immediately for your FREE property evaluation of the damages. Our staff is highly trained according to insurance company criteria when it comes to assessing damages to your property and has HAAG Engineer Certified staff available when necessary. We are available 24/7 for emergency services.

  • 2. Action plan

    Your ECG representative will go over all damages that were found and suggest a course of action to make the recommended repairs. If the damages are severe enough, your representative will suggest you contact your homeowners insurance provider in order to initiate a claim.

  • 3. Visit of the insurance adjuster

    When you file your claim with your insurance provider, make sure you ask for the related claim number. If it is not available, be sure to request that the insurance representative contacts you as soon as it becomes available. Also, ask the representative to have your assigned insurance adjuster contact you or ECG so that our representative can be in attendance for the initial adjuster inspection.

  • 4. Date of the initial inspection

    Once your insurance adjuster contacts you, request a firm date and exact time that he or she will be performing the initial inspection. Be sure to inform the insurance adjuster that you would like ECG to be present.

  • 5. Damage evaluation with the insurance adjuster

    After your adjuster provides you with your inspection date, please contact ECG and provide us with this information, as well as your claim number. Once your property inspection has been scheduled, we will meet with your insurance adjuster to discuss the amount of damages to your home. Your insurance adjuster will be provided with printed photos of damage, an itemized estimate for the repairs, and a diagram with all the measurements.

  • 6. Detailed estimate for repairs

    When your claim has been settled, you will receive an itemized estimate of repair allowance from your insurance company. It will list the following in three price columns: RCV (replacement cash value), Depreciation and ACV (actual cash value). You will be issued your first check titled to you and your mortgage lender in the amount of the ACV estimate. An amount of recoverable depreciation will be withheld from this first check until you have incurred the cost of repairs and provided the insurance company with an invoice from ECG. At this time, you will be entitled to the RCV of your claim as listed in your insurance policy.

  • 7. If your claim has been denied

    If your claim has been denied or you have only received a partial settlement, don’t worry. We can handle these types of situations too. We will start by requesting a copy of the current loss report you have received from the insurance company. We will need to figure out exactly what the insurance company has paid for so we can figure out what they have “accidentally overlooked”. If we feel there is more damage than what has been covered, then we will suggest to you letting us request a re-inspection with your insurance company. This time we will be present to point out the damage to them if they don’t see it.

They will show you a copy of their insurance certificate, but it may not be in force. The name on the policy will be different to the name of the contractor on your contract. Your contractor will have a valid insurance policy, but the coverage may not include roofing.
This is because the so called “roofing” contractor, in order to escape the high cost of “roofing” insurance, has declared himself to be a general contractor by inserting “roofing & construction”, “roofing and remodeling”, “roofing and renovation”, etc. General contractor insurance is much cheaper.
The problem is that the insurance company won’t cover you once they discover that a claim is made by a Contractor whose main business is roofing.To assure your protection a professional roofer will carry “Worker’s Compensation” AND “General Liability” insurance. A professional will be happy to give you the name of his or her insurance carrier and agent. You can then independently verify that a policy is in force, and that it covers roofing specifically.
Call the carrier and ask them to send you a Certificate of Insurance. They will be glad to. It is part of their job. Do not accept a letter or certificate directly from the roofer as proof of insurance. That’s simply not the way things are done.Anyone who claims they are exempt from carrying insurance, or that your homeowner’s insurance will cover you, or that they are self-insured, may not be telling the truth. Don’t take a chance!
The consequences are too great. Do business with folks who care enough about your welfare to insure your job in a professional manner.