Still not familiar with slate tile roofs? 🧱 Learn about them

Today slate roofing shingles in Georgia are one of the best elements for roofing. As of today, there are many reasons why the use of this material should always be taken into account. One of the most sought after by experts and homeowners in the state.

Slate has stood out in the construction market due to multiple benefits. In addition, it is one of the materials considered natural, due to the fact that it comes from a metamorphic rock. This is the type of rock that remains deep in the earth for years, being exposed to high pressures and temperatures.

It should be noted that the color of slate tiles can vary depending on the additives they have. For example:

  • The darker shades, such as black are due to a higher percentage of carbon in the constitution of the same.
  • The use of iron gives the tiles a shade closer to common slate.
  • On its own, slate can acquire colors such as blue, green and brown.

Also important is the fact that slate roofs are extremely durable. For many this material constitutes the roofs of 100 years, as they reach a good resistance depending on the work done. That is why they are an excellent choice if you want to improve the condition of your house.

Slate roofs of the best quality


Undoubtedly, the attractiveness of roofs with slate tiles in Georgia has increased. Moreover, this is a material with a huge presence in the northern part of America. This is where the largest quantities of slate are produced and therefore, it has gained a lot of popularity among homeowners and contractors.


The main feature why slate roofing tiles are so highly valued around the world is because of their combinations. That is, although slate by itself is an extremely useful material in creating a durable roof, it can be improved. For this, you can mix it with other materials and create a more resistant one.

For example, some people choose to mix slate with concrete. Despite not having the same durability of natural slate, it is characterized by being more malleable. It can be adapted to different structures to create a more customized roof.

Metal slate tiles are also often used, which are characterized by being much more resistant to fire and wind. In addition, they share the characteristic that metal offers us to decrease the thermal sensation inside a house.


One of the reasons why slate roofing should be so highly valued is because of the style they have. It is a very elegant material, which allows you to add a modern touch to any construction. To this we must add the fact that different colors can be used, which allows the slate to adapt to the house.

It resists specific phenomena

There are many things besides rains, snow and hail that can end up affecting our roof. One of the most famous examples is the one that occurs in houses located on the coast. The saltpeter coming from the sea usually reduces the lifespan that our roof normally has. However, slate is one of the few materials that can resist it in a great way.

The same is true for acid rain, which has become more frequent with increasing pollution. In addition, the development of lichens is reduced on the surface of this type of roof.


Unlike other materials, slate stands out because it has no pores. Therefore, it is practically impossible for water to penetrate. The only way would be if the tiles were so old that they already wear out with constant rainfall. This ends up being an extremely positive feature when it comes to preventing leaks inside the house.

Take advantage of the benefits of slate shingles

Without a doubt, slate shingle roofs in Georgia stand out in many aspects that make them relevant in the market. Every day more and more people decide to purchase them as the performance corroborates their value. However, there is one extremely important detail that must be taken into account when making this investment.

No matter how good the material you have purchased is, it must be installed by a professional of great trajectory. That is the only way you can be sure that your investment will be put to good use for the future of your home. Of course, for this you must have hired an agency recognized in what refers to the constructions.

Want to improve the characteristics of your roof? There are many ways to do it. However, the best option right now is to go for slate roofing. If you are still not quite sure, we can help you decide. This by putting you in touch with the best contractor agency specializing in this type of roofing in Georgia.

Excellence Contractors Group takes care of your slate roof

No doubt installing a slate roof in Georgia is easy when you have an agency like Excellence Contractors Group on your side. This is one of the best recognized companies with the longest track record in this field. It offers you the best guarantees to avoid problems when it comes to roofing.

Among the many reasons why this company should be your choice is the training of their contractors. Here you will only find experts in the field who will be in charge of providing you with all their knowledge for the welfare of your property. It doesn’t matter if it is a slate roof or any other material.

In Georgia, Excellence Contractors is a company that offers professional solutions in different areas of roofing construction. In addition, you can also acquire the best materials on the market through our service.

On our website you can find a lot of useful information about slate roofing installation in Georgia. In addition, you will also get to know our contact numbers so that you can clear all your doubts directly with us. We are waiting for you.

Enjoy a good slate roof with Excellence Contractors!

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